Dogsquad Canine Services
Professional Dog Training solutions that work.

Contact us
Email : dogsquadcanineservices68@gmail.com
Phone: 0403 489 947
Facebook Page: Dogsquad Canine Services:
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Consult Hours
By appointment only.
Services available
We are based in the NE of Victoria and cover a wide region.
We have small class formats available throughout the North East in central locations:
Beechworth on Monday's, Tarrawingee on Friday's, Bright on Saturday's.
The pre curser to a Group class is that you have completed a Consult and that the dog/handler team are educated and deemed safe for the Group environment.
Initial consults are at the same central locations/day's and are booked in either before or after the group class.
There is also a range of Dog Awareness Programs and Workshops available, just let us know what you need and we can customise a format to suit you.
At designated times throughout the year we also run Snake aversion programs to Snake Safe your dog. This is done within all compliances required in Victoria. See the article page: https://www.dogsquadcanineservices.com.au/single-post/snake-aversion-training
in regards to how we run these.