Focus follow up This is a good follow on from the last blog - Focus. Building that drive in the dog to WANT...

Focus You hear this word all the time in regards to training your dog. What does it mean? Why is it such a sought after behaviour? What...

Emmy and Annie
We have a dog here called Emmy, A staffy x Chihuahua...yep why would you breed that hey? She was a rescue from Albury, pulled out of the...

Anybody here heard of a Film Festival called Tropfest? Brilliant concept that brings together all facets of the film industry and short...

I first met Toby and his owners when they came down to Dog Training and were in my Puppy Class. Now Toby was a special kind of pup, one...
What the nose Knows
A great video that explains a dogs ability to know it's environment through scent. this gives you a better idea of why our dogs seem to...

Graffing Dogs....
Sometimes you get a call to do a quick fill in job, where the previous wrangler has not quite nailed it for whatever reason. We needed a...

Angus in "Puppy".
This is Angus, brilliant dog who at the grand old age of 12 months did his first (and my first solo) film job. His second film was...

Jack Irish
Coming up in Feb! Look out for the new Jack Irish series produced by the ABC. Four dogs and a few days filming, lots of action and lots...

Buddy is a Cocker Spaniel, a mad bastard to be sure. Owned by a good friend who in the early days really struggled with young Buddy's...